The Big 30
I can remember as a young child thinking about how much I couldn’t wait to be 30! I figured that that was when I would finally be an adult and people would take me seriously. So when I turned 18 and 21 and 25, I counted down to when I would “really” be a grown up. Well, I finally made it to adulthood! Yesterday was my 30th birthday, and it was a day I shall never forget.
Do You Feel Any Different?
It seems like every year on my birthday someone comes up and asks, “so, do you feel any different?” This was the first year that I actually answered “Yes.” First of all there is that whole finally being an adult thing which honestly feels great! I mean, I have been looking forward to this for a long time! But there is more than that. I feel like I am a different person. Not necessarily because of my birthday, because in reality I am only one day older than I was the day before, but because of who I am becoming, and where my life is at. I woke up the morning of my birthday feeling so proud of the person that I am. I realized how much I love my life and who I get to spend it with. So yes, I feel different! And it feels great!

Birthday Food Traditions
I tell people all the time that I believe food to be the sixth love language. Making it, eating it, serving it to others, giving it away… Food has the power to make people feel good! So of course, I love food traditions. Growing up, we got to pick special meals that we wanted on our birthday. I can remember consistently asking for eggs benedict, stuffed shells, and chicken and dumplings. I have kept this tradition going as I have started my own family, and bless my husband, he spoiled me this year in the food department. Per my request, he made me eggs benedict for breakfast complete with perfectly poached eggs! This birthday weekend was filled with the best of foods including tai sesame chicken, eggs benedict, mexican food, lasagna, and one of the best chocolate cakes I have ever made.

Matthew and Gifts
When it comes to my birthday, Matthew always starts early with the gifts. He has totally figured me out and always gives me the most thoughtful things. With Matthew in my life, I feel loved and blessed every single day, but he really outdoes himself on special occasions.
Fulfilling a Childhood Dream
This year, Matthew fulfilled a childhood dream. Many years growing up, when I would go to blow out the candles on my birthday cake, I would wish that I would get a puppy for my next birthday. Well this year, it actually happened! Matthew got me a mini Goldendoodle. I named her Miss Lilybug Johnson (we call her lily). She is such a fun little fluff ball! She is incredibly sweet and smart and is a very fun addition to the family.

Matthew’s Thoughtfulness
Matthew wrote me a beautiful poem about his love and gratitude for me and gave it to me just after I woke up. I feel so blessed that I have a husband who takes the time to write me notes and letters. He has such a gift for expressing his love in this way and I will treasure this poem always.
After getting cleaned up and ready for church, Matthew and little Thomas brought me these gorgeous flowers! Fun side note about my incredible husband; Matthew consistently keeps fresh flowers in our bathroom. They are in a place where only I get to enjoy them. He says that he wants me to have this reminder each morning as I am getting ready for my day that he loves me, is thinking of me, and thinks that I am beautiful. I smile every time I see them. I found it very thoughtful that he replaced the bouquet on my birthday.

Feeling Blessed
I am so grateful to my husband, my cute kids, and my family for making my birthday so special. I loved going to my Mom’s art show, having dinner with loved ones, spending time with my family, playing with a new puppy, going to church, and celebrating life. Looking forward to my 31st year!
As an FYI; Lilybug was adopted from the lovely folks at Lucky Puppy. They breed beautiful mini Goldendoodles and Berne doodles. I would highly recommend them! Check them out at luckypuppyco.com.
For more fun puppy pictures and updates on when I make new posts, follow me on Instagram @matthewswife19.
I love this soooo much! But love you ALL the mostess! Thank you for being. Light to so many. God bless the Johnson family! ♥️♥️♥️