My Heart is Full!
At the end of this glorious and hope filled Sunday, I am filled with so much love and gratitude. Today was proof to me that I have a loving Heavenly Father who is constantly aware of me, and that my life has a plan and purpose. My heart is so full!
“Come, Follow Me”
Our church has a beautiful program called “Come, Follow Me” which is basically a study guide for the scriptures. Each year we focus on a different part of scripture. This year we are studying the Old Testament, which has always been super intimidating for me! I have a great relationship with God, but I admit to not always understanding the scriptures. But this week, I got it! It was overwhelming at how much the scriptures touched me as I studied in the book of Genesis. The Spirit was definitely with me this week and it gave me a nice boost of confidence as we start off this years studies. Matthew and I were able to lead our family group study this afternoon and I was so grateful for the blessing of understanding and guidance.
Hope Found in Sisterhood
I had two experiences with two different women today that filled me with hope. The first was with a sister at church. She probably has no idea how much she has touched my life and the lives of my children. Her willingness to be vulnerable and just be herself gave me so much peace and encouragement! It’s hard to put yourself out there and be vulnerable and share the hard parts of life. From this short but meaningful encounter, I was reminded how much we need each other. We all need someone that is willing to reach out and say that they understand where we are at and are there for us. This sister did that for me today and I am so grateful for her!
Struggles to Blessings
The second experience was with a sister in our community. This was our first time meeting, and it was a moment I shall never forget. It was a moment that proved that life has so much meaning and purpose! As a little back history; I started struggling with adrenal fatigue about ten years ago. It has been a sometimes lonely and frustrating journey. It has brought so much pain, but also so much learning. It has been the journey that has brough me to my knees and to my Savior.
Today I got to meet with an incredible woman that has just started her path of healing from adrenal fatigue, and it hit me that my struggle can have so much meaning and that God can use my experience to give others hope! For an hour we talked about the healing that can take place and how to start. We talked about hope and that she is not alone. Again, we really need each other so much!
All Things Through Christ
Remember the scripture Philippians 4:13 that says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengeneth me.” Today, break it up a bit. “I can do all things through Christ,” and that knowledge gives me so much strength! The knowledge that I can do “all things” through Him gives me strength to keep going. Our lives have purpose and we need each other to fulfill it! Draw strength from the fact that you can do all things through Him, and remember that He often strengthens us through other people. He did so for me today.